
  • A tree is an abstract model of a heirarchical structure
  • A tree consists of nodes with a parent-child relationship
    • A parent has one or more children
    • Each child has only one parent
  • The root is the top node in the tree, the only node without a parent
  • An internal node has at least one child
  • An external node (or leaf) is a mode with no children
  • Nodes have ancestors (ie, the parent node of a parent)
  • The depth of a node is its number of ancestors
  • The height of a tree is its maximum depth

Tree ADT

Tree ADTs are defined using a similar concept to positional lists, as they don't have a natural ordering/indexing in the same way arrays do.

public interface Tree<E>{
    int size();
    boolean isEmpty();
    Node<E> root(); //returns root node
    Node<E> parent(Node<E> n); //returns parent of Node n
    Iterable<Node<E>> children(Node<E> n); //collection of all the children of Node n
    int numChildren(Node<E> n);
    Iterator<E> iterator(); //an iterator over the trees elements
    Iterator<Node<E>> nodes(); //collection of all the nodes
    boolean isInternal(Node<E> n); //does the node have at least one child
    boolean isExternal(Node<E> n); //does the node have no children
    boolean isRoot(Node<E> n); //is the node the root


Tree Traversal

Trees can be traversed in 3 different orders. As trees are recursive data structures, all 3 traversals are defined recursively. The tree below is used as an example in all 3 cases.


  • Visit the root
  • Pre order traverse the left subtree
  • Pre order traverse the right subtree

Pre-order traversal of the tree gives: F B A D C E G I H


  • In order traverse the left subtree
  • Visit the root
  • In order traverse the right subtree

In-order traversal of the tree gives: A B C D E F G H I


  • Post order traverse the left subtree
  • Post order traverse the right subtree
  • Visit the root

Post-order traversal of the tree gives: A C E D B H I G F

Binary Trees

A binary tree is a special case of a tree:

  • Each node has at most two children (either 0, 1 or 2)
  • The children of the node are an ordered pair (the left node is less than the right node)

A binary tree will always fulfil the following properties:


  • is the number of nodes in the tree
  • is the number of external nodes
  • is the number of internal nodes
  • is the height/max depth of the tree

Binary Tree ADT

The binary tree ADT is an extension of the normal tree ADT with extra accessor methods.

public interface BinaryTree<E> extends Tree<E>{
    Node<E> left(Node<E> n); //returns the left child of n
    Node<E> right(Node<E> n); //returns the right child of n
    Node<E> sibling(Node<E> n); //returns the sibling of n

Arithmetic Expression Trees

Binary trees can be used to represent arithmetic expressions, with internal nodes as operators and external nodes as operands. The tree below shows the expression . Traversing the tree in-order will can be used to print the expression infix, and post-order evaluating each node with it's children as the operand will return the value of the expression.


  • Binary trees can be represented in a linked structure, similar to a linked list
  • Node objects are positions in a tree, the same as positions in a positional list
  • Each node is represented by an object that stores
    • The element
    • A pointer to the parent node
    • A pointer to the left child node
    • A pointer to the right child node
  • Alternatively, the tree can be stored in an array A
  • A[root] is 0
  • If p is the left child of q, A[p] = 2 * A[q] + 1
  • If p is the right child of q, A[p] = 2 * A[q] + 2
  • In the worst, case the array will have size

Binary Search Trees

  • Binary trees can be used to implement a sorted map
  • Items are stored in order by their keys
  • For a node with key , every key in the left subtree is less than , and every node in the right subtree is greater than
  • This allows for support of nearest-neighbour queries, so can fetch the key above or below another key
  • Binary search can perform nearest neighbour queries on an ordered map to find a key in time
  • A search table is an ordered map implemented using a sorted sequence
    • Searches take
    • Insertion and removal take time
    • Only effective for maps of small size


Binary trees are recursively defined, so all the methods operating on them are easily defined recursively also.

  • Search
  • To search for a key
    • Compare it with the key at
    • If , the value has been found
    • If , search the right subtree
    • If , search the left subtree
  • Insertion
    • Search for the key being inserted
    • Insert at the leaf reached by the search
  • Deletion
    • Find the internal node that is follows the key being inserted in an in order traversal (the in order successor)
    • Copy key into the in order successor node
    • Remove the node copied out of


  • Consider a binary search tree with items and height
  • The space used is
  • The methods get, put, remove take time
    • The height h is in the best case, when the tree is perfectly balanced
    • In the worst case, when the tree is basically just a linked list, this decays to

AVL Trees

  • AVL trees are balanced binary trees
    • For every internal node of the tree, the heights of the subtrees of can differ by at most 1
  • The height of an AVL tree storing keys is
  • Balance is maintained by rotating nodes every time a new one is inserted/removed


  • The runtime of a single rotation is
  • The tree is assured to always have , so the runtime of all methods is
  • This makes AVL trees an efficient implementation of binary trees, as their performance does not decay as the tree becomes unbalanced