Threads lighter than processes and share more with parent
Share code, data, files
Threads have own id, program counter, register set, stack (share heap)
Concurrency and parallelism
Concurrency implies more than one task making progress
Parallelism implies that a system can perform more than one task simultaneously
Data parallelism splits data up and performs same processing on each subset of data
Task parallelism splits threads doing different things up
Can have concurrency without parallelism by interleaving tasks on one core
Amdahl's law is a rough estimate of speedup
Speedup ≤S+(1−S)/N1
Numerator (1) is time taken before parallelising
S is time taken to run serial part
(1−S)/N is the time taken to run parallelisable part on N cores
Pthreads is common API for working with threads
pthread_create() creates new thread to execute a function
pthread_join() waits for thread to exit
Provides mutexes and condvars
Can set thread IDs and work with attributes, etc
Synchronising threads
Sharing memory between threads requires synchronisation
Race conditions occur when two threads try to write to a variable at the same time
High level code broken down into atomic steps which become interleaved and cause registers and intermediate operations to become mixed up, causing undefined behaviour
Can use mutexes for synchronisation
User vs Kernel threads
User level threads are implemented by user code in userspace
No kernel involvement
Cannot be scheduled in parallel but can run concurrently
Kernel threads are implemented by the kernel and created by syscalls
Scheduling is handled by kernel so can be scheduled on different CPUs
Management has kernel overhead
Many-to-one model maps many user level threads to a single kernel thread
Less overhead
User threads are all sharing kernel thread so no parallelism and one blocking causes all to block
One-to-one gives each user thread a kernel thread
Used in windows and linux
More kernel threads = more overhead
Users can cause creation of kernel threads which slows system
Many-to-many multiplexes user threads across a set of kernel threads
Number of kernel thread can be set and can run in parallel
More complex than one-to-one
Condition variables
Used to synchronise threads
Threads can wait() on condition variables
Other threads signal the variable using signal() or broadcast()
Signals are used in UNIX systems to notify processes
Synchronous signals generated internally by process
Asynchronous signals generated external to process by other processes
ctrl+c sends SIGINT asynchronously
Signals are delivered to process and handled by signal handlers
Only signal-safe functions can be called within signal handlers
Signals can be delivered to all threads, just the main thread, or specific threads
Different schedule queues contain processes in different states
Queues contain process control blocks
Scheduler wants to be as efficient as possible in scheduling jobs
Maximise CPU utilisation and process throughput
Minimise turnaround, waiting, response times
Four events that can trigger scheduler
Process switches from running to waiting state
Process terminates
Process switches from running to ready
Process switches from waiting to ready
First two cases are non pre-emptive, where process give up CPU
2nd two are pre-emptive, where scheduler takes the task off the CPU and gives it to a new task
First-come first-serve scheduling is where processes are assigned to CPU in order of arrival
Avg wait time varies massively on order of processes arriving
Non pre-emptive
Shorter jobs first improves performance
Shortest first scheduling
Provably optimal in minimising average wait time
Relies on knowing how long each job will take
Can estimate job length by exponential moving average
tn is the length of the nth CPU burst
τn+1 is the predicted length of the next CPU burst
Can be either pre-emptive or non pre-emptive
When a new, shorter process arrives when one is already being executed, can either:
Switch to new process
Wait for current job to finish
Pre-emptive can cause race conditions where processes are switched mid-write
Priority scheduling assigns a priority to each process, and lowest priority is executed first
Shortest job first is a special case of priority scheduling, where the priority is execution time
Can cause starvation for processes with low priority
Can overcome with aging, where priority is increased over time
Round robin scheduling is where each process gets a small amount of CPU time (a quantum q), and after that time has elapsed the process is pre-empted and put back into the ready queue
Scheduler visits process in arrival order
No process waits more than (N−1)q for it's next turn
If q is large, becomes first come first served
If q is small, too many context switches
q usually 10 to 100ms
Higher wait time than shortest job first in most cases, but better response time
int turn; shared variable to specify who's turn it is
boolean flag[2]; flags store who wished to enter
Process runs if both waiting and their turn, or if only one waiting and other not in critical section
Can fail with modern architectures reordering stuff
Synchronisation primitives are based on the idea of locking
Two processes cannot hold a lock simultaneously
Locking and unlocking should be atomic operations
Modern hardware provides atomic instructions
Used to build sync primitives
Test and set is one type of atomic instruction
Update a register and return it's original value
Can be used to implement a lock using a shared boolean variable
Does not satisfy bounded waiting as the process can instantly reacquire the lock
More complex implementations can satisfy criteria (allow the next waiting process to execute and only release lock if no other process waiting)
Mutex locks are lock variables that only one process can hold at a time
If another process tries to acquire the lock then it blocks until the lock is available
Semaphores have integer values
0 means unavailable
Positive value means available
wait() on a semaphore makes the process wait until the value is positive
Decrements by 1 if/when positive
signal() increments value by one
Both commands must be atomic
Controls the number of processes that can concurrently access resource - more powerful than mutex
Deadlocks may occur when both processes are waiting for an event that can only be caused by the other waiting process
Starvation occurs when a specifics process has to wait indefinitely while others make progress
Priority inversion is a scheduling problem when a lower-priority process holds a lock needed by a higher priority process
Solved via priority inheritance, where the priority of the low priority task is set to highest to prevent it being pre-empted by some medium priority task.
There are a few classic synchronisation problems that can be used to test synchronisation schemes
The bounded buffer problem has n buffers where each can old one item. Produces produces items and write to buffers while the consumers consume from buffers
Producer should not write when all buffers full
Consumer should not consume when all buffers empty
Solved with three semaphores
mutex = 1; full = 0; empty = n
Producers wait on empty when filling a buffer, and signal on full to indicate a buffer has been filled
Consumers wait on full to indicate emptying a buffer, and wait on empty to indicate one has been emptied
buffer access protected by mutex
Reader/writer problem has some data shared among processes, where multiple readers are allowed but only one writer
Readers are given preference over writers, and writers may starve
A shared integer keeps track of the number of readers, and two mutexes are used, one read/write mutex, and another to protect the shared reader count.
The writer must acquire the writer mutex
Readers increase the read count while reading and decrease when done, both operations synchronised using mutex
Read/write mutex also locked while read count is at least one reading to prevent writes while anyone is reading.
Dining philosophers spend their lives either thinking or eating.
They sit in a circle, with a chopstick between each pair. When they wish to eat, they pick up a chopstick from either side of them, and put them back down when done.
Two neighbouring philosophers cannot eat at the same time
Five mutexes, one for each chopstick
If all five decide to eat at once and pick up the left chopstick, then deadlock occurs
There are multiple solutions:
Allow only n−1 philosophers for n chopsticks
Allow a philosopher to only pick up both chopsticks if both are available, which must be done atomically
Use an asymmetric solution, where odd-numbered philosophers pick up left first, and even numbers pick up right first
A set of processes is said to be in deadlock when each process is waiting for an event that can only be caused by another process in the event
All waiting on each other
Usually acquisition/release of a lock or resource
An abstract system model for discussing deadlocks
System has resources R1,R0,...,Rm
Resources can have multiple instances
A set of processses P0,P1,...,Pn
To utilise a resource a process must request it, use it, then release it
Conditions for deadlock:
Mutual exclusion, only one process can use a resource
Hold and wait, a process must hold some resources and then be waiting to acquire more
No pre-emption, a resource can be released only voluntarily
Circular wait, there must be a subset of processes waiting for each other in a circular manner
The resource allocation graph is a directed graph where:
Vertices are processes and resources
Resource nodes show the multiple instances of each resource
Request edge is a directed edge Pi←Rj
Assignment edge is a directed edge Rj←Pi
Cycles in graph show circular wait
No cycles means no deadlock
Cycles may mean deadlock, but not sufficient alone to detect deadlock
Deadlock detection algorithms are needed to verify if a resource allocation graph contains deadlock
Resource graph can be represented in a table showing allocated, available, and requested resources
Flags show if each process has finished executing
A process may execute and set it's flag if it can satisfy it's requested resources using the currently available resources, which then frees any allocated resources
Can then try to execute other processes
If ever a point where no progress can be made, then the processes are deadlocked
Deadlock prevention ensures that at least one of the necessary conditions for deadlock does not hold
Impossible to design system without mutual exclusion
Can prevent hold-and-wait by ensuring a process atomically gets either all or none of its required resources at once, so it is either waiting on one of them or all of them
Can introduce pre-emption into the system to make a process release all it's resources if it is ever waiting on any
Can prevent circular wait by numbering resources, and requiring that each process requests resources in order
Process holding resource n cannot request any resources numbered less than n
All of these methods can be restrictive
Harmless requests could be blocked
Deadlock avoidance is less restrictive than prevention
Determines if a request should be granted based upon if the resulting allocation leaves the system in a safe state where no deadlock can ever occur in future
Need advanced information on resource requirements
Each process declares the maximum number of instances of each resources it may need
On receiving a resource request, the algorithm checks if granting the resource leaves the system in a safe state
If it can't guarantee a safe state, the system waits until the system changes into a state where the request can be granted safely
How do we determine if a state is safe?
Cycles alone do not guarantee deadlock
The banker's algorithm determines if a state is safe
The banker's algorithm:
Take a system with 5 process and three resource types, A, B and C, with 10, 5, and 7 instances respectively.
Table shows the current and maximum usage for each process
Available resources is (instances of resource) - (total current used by each process)
Future needed resources is (maximum usage) - (current usage)
At each step, a process is found who's needs can be satisfied with currently available resources
Can then execute process and reclaim its resources
Keep applying steps to try to reclaim all resources
Gives a sequence that processes can be executed in
If sequence completes all processes then it's a safe sequence and starting state is safe
If some processes cannot be executed and there is no possible safe sequence the starting state is unsafe
Resource request algorithm checks if granting a request is safe
Check that we can satisfy request
Pretend request was executed
Use bankers algorithm to see if resulting state would be safe
If not, then keep request pending until state changes into a safe state where we can grant it
Addresses accessible by a process must be unique to that process such that processes cannot write to each others address spaces
Base and limit registers define the range of legal addresses
OS loads these registers when a process is scheduled
Only OS can modify
CPU checks addresses are in legal range, OS takes action if not
Assumes contiguous memory allocations, but other methods exist
Address binding
Addresses in source code are usually symbolic (variables)
Typically bound by compilers to relocatable addresses
Addresses in object code are all mapped relative to some base address, which is then mapped to a physical address when loading into memory
Different address binding strategies exist, can be done at compile time, load time, or execution time
Addresses generated by a program during its runtime are either logical or physical
Logical/virtual are generated by the CPU to fetch or read/write, may differ from physical address
Must be converted to physical address before being used to access memory
Physical address is the one seen by the memory unit.
Under compile and load time binding, logical and physical addresses are the same
Under execution time binding, the physical addresses may change at runtime
The memory management unit is special hardware that translates logical to physical addresses
MMU consits of a relocation register and a limit register under contiguous allocation
Three main techniques for memory allocation
Contiguous memory allocation
Each process has one chunk of memory
Used in older OSs
MMU checks each logical address against limit register
Registers can only be loaded by OS when a process is scheduled
Memory divided into fixed partitions which are allocated to processes
Fixed number of partitions => fixed number of processes
OS keeps track of free chunks called holes
Processes allocated memory based on their size
Put into a hole large enough to accommodate it
Different strategies for hole allocation
First-fit, allocate first hole
Best-fit, allocate smallest hole possible
Must search entire address space
Worst-fit, allocate the largest hole
Must also search entire address space
Produces largest leftover hold
Can result in fragmentation of the address space
External fragmentation, when there is enough memory space for a process but it is not contiguous
Internal fragmentation, where a process is using more memory than it needs
Can deal with it by compacting holes into one block
Require processes to be relocated during execution and have significant overhead
Can also allow non-contiguous allocation
Segmented memory allocation
Program divided into segments, each in its own contiguous block
Each logic address is a two-tuple of (segment number, offset)
Segment number mapped to base address and offset is
MMU contains segment table
Table indexed by segment numbers
Each table entry has
Segment base, which is the physical address of the segment in memory
Segment limit, the size of the segment
Still cannot avoid external fragmentation
Paging is the best technique for memory management
Avoids external fragmentation
Divide program into blocks called pages
Divide physical memory into blocks called frames
Page size = frame size = 4kB
Pages are assigned to frames
Mapping between pages and frames is stored in a page table, one for each process
Logical addresses have a page number and a page offset
Still suffers from internal fragmentation
Worst case scenario has one byte in a frame
Average wastage is half a frame
Smaller frames means less wastage but larger page tables
Page table implementations are complex
There is a page table in memory for each process
MMU consists of registers to hold page table entries
Loaded by OS when a process is scheduled
Can only store a limited number of entries
Holding a page table in memory doubles the time it takes to access an address, because you need an access to translate logical -> physical address first
Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) stores frequently used page table entries in a hardware cache
Extremely fast
On a cache miss, the entry is brought into the TLB
Cache miss requires an extra memory access to get page table entry on top of the usual fetch
Different cache replacement algorithms are used (LRU is common)
Different algorithms have different corresponding hit ratios
Effective memory access time depends on hit ratio
Stores page table entries of multiple process
Each entry requires an Address Space Identifier (ASID) to uniquely identify the process requesting the TLB entry
Cache only hits if ASID matches, which guarantees memory protection
It can be beneficial to have smaller page tables to reduce memory overhead
32 bit word length and 4kB page size gives 220 possible entries
If each entry is a 4 byte address, this is 4MB of page table per page
Most processes only use a very small number of the logical entries
A valid-invalid bit is used for each page table entry to indicate if there is a physical memory frame corresponding to a page number
Bit is set high when there is no physical frame corresponding to a a page
Hierarchical page tables divide the page table into pages and store each page in a frame in memory
The mapping is stored in an outer page table
The OS does not need to store the inner page tables that aren't in use
The flat page table requires 4MB of space, which requires 1000 frames of 4kB each
The outer page table will have 1000 entries (one for each inner page table), which fits in a single frame.
Addressing under multi-level paging works by separating the address into chunks
Outer and inner page tables are 4kB, so hold 1000 4 byte addresses.
10 upper bits address the outer page table
Next 10 bits address the inner page table
Lowest 12 bits used to address the 4kB address space of each page
This takes 3 memory accesses now, which is slow
Less memory used but higher penalty in case of TLB miss
Hashed page tables use the page numbers as hash keys, which are hashed to the index of the page table
Each entry is a pointer to a linked list of page numbers with the same hash value
Each list node is the page number, frame number, and pointer to the next node
Some architectures use inverted page tables, where each index in the table corresponds to a physical frame number
Each entry in the table is a PID and a page number
When a virtual address is generated, each entry is searched until the entry for the frame with the page number and PID is found
Decreases memory needed to store each page table, but increases search time