System Design

Design Patterns

  • There are common design patterns in software that we can identify and exploit
    • Standard solution to common programming problem
    • Technique for making code more flexible by making it meet certain criteria
    • Design or implementation structure that achieves a particular purpose
    • High-level programming idiom
    • Shorthand for describing certain aspects of program organisation
    • Connections among program components
    • The shape of an object model
  • Four essential elements to a design pattern
    • A name the meaningfully refers to the pattern
    • Description of the problem to which the pattern applies
    • Solution describing of the parts of the design
    • A statement of the consequences, results and tradeoffs, of applying the pattern
  • Goal of patterns is to have general solution that can be widely applied, utilising others experience in design
  • SOLID principles are five principles that improve OOP design
    • Single responsibility
      • Class should be responsible for single piece of functionality
    • Open/closed
      • Open for extension, closed for modification
      • Once classes are complete, should add functionality by extending instead of editing
    • Liskov substitution
      • An object that uses a parent class can use its child classes without knowing
      • Behavioural sub-typing
    • Interface segregation
      • Many specific interfaces are better than a general one
      • No code should depend on methods it does not use
    • Dependency inversion
      • Ensure high level classes do not rely on functions from low level classes
      • Interactions should rely on well-defined interfaces and go from low level to high level


  • Factories
    • A factory method is a method that manufactures objects of a particular type
    • Constructors are limited, as they only allow objects of particular type
    • Factories can bypass this problem to generate objects of different types
    • Can be used anywhere a constructor can
    • Example - the bike factory that creates bike and all it's dependencies, instead of creating all manually and passing as constructor arguments
    • Cuts down on repeated code
    • Easy to add new variations and scenarios
    • Have to make additional classes
    • Factory linked to class it produces
  • Builders
    • Help create complex objects
    • Extract construction into a set of methods, builders
    • Object creation happens in a series of steps, only calling the builders that we need
    • Each sub-step is a different method that could be called by any builder
    • Sub-steps in abstract class builder, then make concrete classes for each type of object we want to make
    • Builders are not factories, they're more flexible versions for complex classes with optional parameters
    • Give more control over construction
    • Can re-use code for different instances
    • Similar to factories, require lots of new classes
    • Code becomes longer, construction still complex but more modular
  • Prototypes
    • Make one object, the prototype, then clone it, making copies of itself
    • Putting the responsibility of duplication on the object itself helps us bypass issues around private/public variables
    • Guarantees copy is identical
    • Create a bunch of template objects, then can just clone the ones we want in each situation
    • Don't need more classes just for creating objects
    • Remove heavy initialisation in favour of cloning
    • Circular references can be tricky
    • Might have to perform heavy changes and updates on the cloned object


  • Proxy patterns
    • May wish to reference an entity without instantiating it
    • Create placeholders for other objects, often by adding another level of indirection
    • Allows us to load on demand
    • Example, image proxy only loads actual image when draw() called
    • Uses include
      • Virtual proxy, delay loading of resource until needed (lazy evaluation)
      • Remote proxy, offers client functionality of an object on another server by handling networking
      • Protection proxy, provides access control
      • Logging proxy, keeps track of accesses and requests
      • Caching proxy, saves results of object
      • Smart referencing, if no client is using object it can be removed and then retrieved later (garbage collection)
    • Can hide away parts of the service object so it can be changed or controlled
    • Allows to manage object life cycle
    • Provides availability if service object isn't ready or available
    • New proxies cna be added without changing services or clients
    • More classes so more complexity
    • Adds another step so may result is slowdown
  • Decorator pattern
    • Allows to add new behaviour to objects at runtime
    • Wrap original object and add new functionality
    • Alternative to subclassing
    • Inheritance is static, decorator can be done at runtime
      • Pass classes to decorator classes dependant upon what requirements are
    • Can extend behaviour without adding new subclasses
    • Can combine wrappers and make functionality dynamic
    • Removing wrappers is difficult
    • Hard to implement in order-independent way
    • Code can look messy
  • Adaptor pattern
    • Adaptors convert data formats we're working with to allow to use other services
    • Instead of rewriting entire code to change data type, just adapt it
      • Add new class that inherits original, but converts types
    • Can do a slightly more complex version
    • Promote single-responsibility principle
    • New adaptors can be introduced without refactoring
    • Depending on code size, converting original object may be cheaper
  • Flyweight pattern
    • May have lots of objects that share properties, resulting in duplication of resources and wasting memory
    • Hold one copy of all the properties that objects can then reference
    • Identify resources or data that each object is referencing, then abstract it out to a static class
    • Saves memory when lots of objects are in memory
    • Lots of complexity
    • May introduce additional overhead in compute time - tradeoff


  • Iterator pattern
    • Traverse a container to access elements in order
    • Does not expose container's data structure
    • Allows to abstract traversal algorithms into own class
    • New iterators can be introduced without re-designing existing code
    • Can iterate multiple ways in parallel
    • Not always necessary - do you really need one for a list
    • Can be less effective for highly specialised objects
  • Observer pattern
    • Allows an objects dependents to be notified automatically if state changes are made
    • Can work in a push model or pull model
    • Highly customisable, subscribers can be added/removed from what they want to be involved with
    • Observer interface has notify method
    • Class holds list of observing objects, calls their notify method when there is an update
    • Key to many real-time systems and cornerstone of MVC architecture
    • New subscribers can be added without redesigning the publisher
    • Relationships can change at runtime
    • Subscribers notified in random order
  • Memento pattern
    • Save and restore objects without revealing details of implementation
    • Make an object responsible for saving its own internal state
    • Can be used to implement undo functionality for restoring state
    • Snapshot implements a limited interface so it can be stored externally (in a caretake object) without exposing internal details
    • Snapshot/memento stores the internal data of object and pointer to original object
    • Caretaker handles restore
    • Can make backups without violating encapsulation
    • Extract out maintenance and resoration, keep original object interface simple
    • Heavy memory cost
    • Need caretakers to track original object life cycles to erase unneeded mementos
  • Strategy pattern
    • Select the method to complete a task at runtime
    • Want new object to be responsible for choosing the approach to a particular problem
    • Have a number of classes, multiple strategies, that we can select between
    • Original class becomes a context, doesn't know details of each strategy
    • Route finder has many different strategies for finding routes, by car, by foot, by bus
      • Swap out travel method in route finding class
    • Can swap implementations at runtime
    • Separate details of algorithm from code that uses it
    • Composition replaces inheritance
    • If only a few choices, no need to increase complexity
    • Requires clinets to understand key differences between strategies to select appropriate one

Architectural Patterns

  • Layered architecture structures system into layers that provide services above it
    • More separate a system is, more independent each module is, more can localise changes
    • Each layer relies on layer below and provides services
    • Facilitates incremental design
    • Layers can be replaced to improve or allow multiplatform support
    • Can be developed layer-by-layer
    • Separation of functionality can be hard
    • Can have performance implications
    • Layers depend on all layers below, can have reliability implications
    • Useful when
      • Building on top of existing systems
      • When development is spread accross teams
      • When need to add security at each layer
  • Repository architecture has a central repository storing all data in the system
    • Concerned with data sharing rather than structure
    • Have large store of data used by many components
      • Database often passive, access and control done by components
    • All interaction done through repo - subsystems do not interact
    • Components can be independent
    • All data can be managed consistently
    • Efficient means of sharing large amounts of data
    • Single point of failure is bad
    • Can be inefficient to have all requests going through the repository
    • Distributing repository to scale may be difficult as need to maintain consistency in data
    • Useful when
      • System generates large volumes of data needed in persistent storage
      • Data-driven systems where the inclusion of data in the repository triggers an action
  • Pipe and filter has discrete processing components that filter data as it flows down a linear pathway (the pipe)
    • Focuses on runtime organisation of the system
    • Each component transforms input data to produce output
    • Flexible - can introduce parallelism and change between batch and item-by-item execution
    • Easy to understand and evolve
    • Matches structure of many apps
    • Supports reuse
    • Flexible
    • Requires standardised data format
      • Modifying standard difficult
    • Useful when data processing
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) focuses on how to interpret user interactions, update data, then present it to user
    • Controller managers user interactions, passes them to view and model to update
    • Model manages data, updates according to operations it is asked to perform
    • View manages how data from model is presented to user
    • Basis of interaction management in many web systems
    • Each logical component deals with different aspect: presentation, interaction, data
    • Data can be changed independently of how it is displayed
    • Allows user to have control over how they see data without changing model
    • Adds additional complexity to design
    • Simple interactions require considering three different system aspects
    • Can be hard to distribute development
    • Portability is low due to heavy interaction
    • Useful when:
      • System offers multiple ways to view and interact with data
        • Good for many types of web and mobile apps
      • Used when future requirements for interaction and presentation of data are unknown
        • Allows for flexibility in view without changing model