
Below are some of the main equations that I have found useful to have on hand.

Use ./generateTables.sh ../src/es2c0/equations.md in the scripts folder.

Closed Loop Gain
Loop Gain
Frequency Potential Divider ()
Frequency Potential Divider ()
Frequency of Unity Gain (0 phase shift)
60 Degrees of phase shift in CR network
Transfer function of CR Network
Transfer function of RC Network
Transfer function of Inverse Frequency potential divider ()
Transfer function of Inverse Frequency potential divider ()
Transfer function of Frequency potential divider (Inductor) ()
Transfer function of Frequency potential divider (Inductor) ()
Frequency of Unity Gain (0 phase shift) (Inductor)
BJT Transitors
Common Emitter Forward Gain,
Common Base Forward current gain,
NPN Emitter Current
Emmitter Voltage Rule of Thumb
Thevin Resistance Rule of Thumb
Four Resistor Bias Circuit
Four Resistor Bias Circuit
Linear Region Drain Current
Saturation Drain Current
Saturation Drain Current -> VGS
Small Signal Model
MOSFET Bias Network
MOSFET input impedence
MOSFET Common Source
Overall Input Impedence
Overall Output Impedance
Bypassed Gain
Common Drain (Source Follower)
Output Impedance
Differential Amplifier
Quiescent Current of Long Tail Pair
Collector Voltage of Grounded Long Tail Pair
Differential Gain without ground
Differential Gain - Single Ended
Differential Input Resistance
Differential Output Resistance
Common Mode Gain
Common Mode Input Resistance
CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio
Generalised Differential Amplifier Output
Non-inverting Gain
Inverting Gain
Source Regulation
Load Regulation


Closed Loop Gain

  • is the closed loop gain of the system.
  • is the open loop gain (with no feedback)
  • is the feedback fraction, that feeds back a portion of the output voltage back to the input

Loop Gain

For oscillation, need unity gain, so angle therefore must be real, so also must be real.

Frequency Potential Divider ()

Frequency Potential Divider ()

Frequency of Unity Gain (0 phase shift)

60 Degrees of phase shift in CR network

Transfer function of CR Network

= Gain of CR network

Transfer function of RC Network

= Gain of RC network

Transfer function of Inverse Frequency potential divider ()

Transfer function of Inverse Frequency potential divider ()

Transfer function of Frequency potential divider (Inductor) ()

Transfer function of Frequency potential divider (Inductor) ()

Frequency of Unity Gain (0 phase shift) (Inductor)

BJT Transitors

Common Emitter Forward Gain,

Common Base Forward current gain,

NPN Emitter Current

Emmitter Voltage Rule of Thumb

Thevin Resistance Rule of Thumb

Four Resistor Bias Circuit

Four Resistor Bias Circuit


AC BJT Analysis

Amplifier Topologies

Transistor Input Impedance

Where = 25mV, = Collector current at Q point.

Gain of Collector Follower (Common Emitter) AC

Input Impedance of Collector Follower (Common Emitter)

Into the transistor

Output Impedance of Collector Follower (Common Emitter)

As current source has infinite impedance.

Emitter Follower (Common Collector)

  • High Input, low ouput impedence
  • High current gain
  • So acts as impedence trasnformer and buffer

Voltage Gain of Emitter Follower (Common Collector)

as So low voltage gain, so instead current amplifier.

Current Gain of Emitter Follower (Common Collector)

Input Impedance of Emitter Follower (Common Collector)

Output Impedence of Emitter Follower (Common Collector)

Where = source input impedance

Output Impedence of Emitter Follower (Common Collector) Simple

Where = source input impedance


No current through gate in MOSFET (as voltage controlled) (infinite input impedence)


  • Cut off (no current flows,
  • Linear
  • Saturation

Where = Threshold Voltage

Linear Region Drain Current

, where = transconductance constant

Saturation Drain Current

Saturation Drain Current -> VGS

Small Signal Model


MOSFET Bias Network

Must check the two different values to see which ones are valid solutions.

MOSFET input impedence

As no current flows into gate

MOSFET Common Source

Similar to BJT common emmitter amplifier

Overall Input Impedence

As two gate bias resistors act as impedances to input signals. Therefore used over BJTs when high impedence required.

Is actually in parallel with source (input) impedence if it has it.

Overall Output Impedance

What the load resistor sees.

As current source has infinite impedence, therefore is the only impedence seen.

Unless there is an which would be in parallel with .

Bypassed Gain

Common Drain (Source Follower)

Output Impedance

Differential Amplifier

Long tail pair:

Modes Can operate in two modes.

  • Differential (Amplfies Difference between two input signals)
  • Common mode (Works similar to regular BJT amp)

Common Mode Same signal is connected to both input terminals.

  • Ideal differential amp rejects common mode input, but not realistic
  • Defined by CMRR

Better amps, have high ratio of differnetial to common gain, AKA Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR).

Quiescent Current of Long Tail Pair

Current through shared emitter resistor, .


and are grounded, therefore collector voltages are the same.

Collector Voltage of Grounded Long Tail Pair

And for matched transistors, .

Differential Gain without ground

Not really used

Differential Gain - Single Ended

Differential Input Resistance

Differential Output Resistance

Common Mode Gain

Common Mode Input Resistance

CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio

Generalised Differential Amplifier Output

Both common mode and differential mode input signals are factored in.


Non-inverting Gain

Inverting Gain

Active Filter Gain

Active Filter Gain, Z2 = R2 || C

  • Low Pass filter
  • Cutoff where = Hz


Source Regulation

Fraction of change in load and input voltage

Load Regulation

Fraction of change in load to expected