
  • A heap is a tree-based data structure where the tree is a complete binary tree
  • Two kinds of heaps, min-heaps and max-heaps
  • For a min-heap, the heap order specifies that for every internal node other than the root,
    • In other words, the root of the tree/subtree must be the smallest node
    • This property is inverted for max heaps
  • Complete binary tree means that every level of the tree, except possibly the last, is filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.
    • More formally, for a heap of height , for there are nodes of depth
    • At depth , the internal nodes are to the left of the external nodes
    • The last node of a heap is the rightmost node of maximum depth
  • Unlike binary search trees, heaps can contain duplicates
  • Heaps are also unordered data structures
  • Heaps can be used to implement priority queues
    • An Entry(Key,Value) is stored at each node


  • To insert a node z into a heap, you insert the node after the last node, making z the new last node
    • The last node of a heap is the rightmost node of max depth
  • The heap property is then restored using the upheap algorithm
  • The just inserted node is filtered up the heap to restore the ordering
  • Moving up the branches starting from the z
    • While parent(z) > (z)
      • Swap z and parent(z)
  • Since a heap has height , this runs in time


  • To remove a node z from the heap, replace the root node with the last node w
  • Remove the last node w
  • Restore the heap order using downheap
  • Filter the replacement node back down the tree
    • While w is greater than either of its children
      • Swap w with the smallest of its children
  • Also runs in time

Heap Sort

For a sequence S of n elements with a total order relation on them, they can be ordered using a heap.

  • Insert all the elements into the heap
  • Remove them all from the heap again, they should come out in order
  • calls of insert take time
  • calls to remove take time
  • Overall runtime is
  • Much faster than quadratic sorting algorithms such as insertion and selection sort

Array-based Implementation

For a heap with n elements, the element at position p is stored at cell f(p) such that

  • If p is the root, f(p) = 0
  • If p is the left child q, f(p) = 2*f(q)+1
  • If p is the right child q, f(p) = 2*f(q)+2

Insert corresponds to inserting at the first free cell, and remove corresponds to removing from cell 0

  • A heap with n keys has length