Embedded Systems & Security

Embedded Systems

  • Embedded software is software integrated with physical processes. The technical problem is managing time and concurrency in computational systems.
  • Embedded processing is in everything, and will be in more things as computing becomes more ubiquitous
  • Application areas include:
    • Automotive
      • ABS brakes
      • ESP - electronic stability control
      • Airbags
      • Automatic gearboxes
      • Smart keys
    • Avionics
      • Flight control
      • Anti-collision systems
      • Flap control
      • Entertainment systems
    • Consumer electronics
      • TVs
      • Smart Home
  • Dependability is key
    • Reliability is the probability of a system working correctly, provided it was working at
    • Maintainability is the probability of a system working correctly time units after an error occured
    • Availability is the probability of a system working at time
    • Safety - no harm must be caused
    • Security - data and communication must be confidential and authenticated
  • Embedded systems bust be efficient:
    • Code-size efficient (especially for SoCs)
    • Runtime efficient
    • Weight and size efficient (small)
    • Cost and energy efficient
      • Power is the most important constraint in embedded systems
  • General purpose processors are CPUs like we're used to
    • Application specific have all the same components but are more optimised with custom hardware
    • Single-purpose processors have very limited resources and are constrained to run a single program
  • Different types of hardware:
    • ASICs - Application Specific Integrated Circuits
      • Custom designed circuits on chips
      • Necessary if ultimate speed or efficiency is the goal
      • Can- only be produced in volume
        • Masks to produce are hugely expensive
      • Suffers from lack of flexibility, long design times and high costs
      • Power consumption scales with voltage quadratically
      • Can do dynamic power management
      • Varying clock speed can save energy
    • FPGAs - Field Programmable Gate Arrays
      • hahaha
    • DSPs - Digital Signal Processors
    • MPUs - Microprocessor Units
  • Minimising power consumption is important for
    • Design of power supply
    • Design of voltage regulators
    • Dimensioning of interconnect
    • Cooling - high cost and limited space
    • Energy availability often restricted (battery powered)
    • Lower temperatures lead to longer lifetimes
  • Efficiency also a concern in memory
    • Speed, must have predictable timing
    • Energy efficiency
    • Size
    • Cost
    • Energy usage and access time increases with size
  • Scratch pad memory is a small separate memory mapped intro address space
    • Selection done through a simple address decoder
    • Used as it is far more energy efficient than a cache


  • Hardware typically has ports, which can be a security risk
    • USB killer is a thumb drive than charges and then discharges capacitors over the data pins
  • DMA provides access to memory over the system bus
    • High speed expansion puts often connected to DMA
    • System may be vulnerable if ports connect directly to physical address space
    • Mitigated by signing drivers to verify the operation of a device
      • Use IOMMU to implement virtual addressing for I/O devices
      • Modify kernel to disable DMA
  • Intel has a history of security concerns
    • 1995 paper warned against a timing channel relating to CPU cache and the TLB
    • 2012 - Apple XNU kernel adopts Address Space Layout Randomisation (KASLR)
      • Linux adopted in 2014
      • Primary goal to mitigate address leaks
    • 2016 conference demonstrated "Using Undocumented CPU Behaviour to See into Kernel Mode and Break KASLR"
      • Demonstrated techniques for locating kernel modules
      • Defeated the point in KASLR
      • KASLR was found to have lots of vulnerabilities, but has been updated and replaced with Kernel Page Table Isolation (KPTI)
    • Work was done looking at side effects of instructions, leaking info form hardware
      • Measure memory access timings
        • Attacker primes cache
        • Victim evicts cache
        • Attacker probes data to see if it has been accessed
    • Lots of CVEs in 2017 related to speculative execution
  • Meltdown is a CVE related to rogue data cache load
    • Melts security boundaries normally enforced by hardware
    • Speculative out-of-order execution may execute code that is never intended to be run
    • Separate side-channel attack called flush and reload can highlight what was brought into cache by speculative execution
    • 3 steps:
      • Attacker-chosen memory location is loaded into register
      • Transient instruction accesses cache line based on register contents
      • Attacker uses flush and reload to determine accessed cache line and hence the secret stored at memory location
    • Accesses memory-mapped pages
      • Mitigation prevents probes from revealing anything useful
      • Performance impact can be very high in some workloads
    • Every intel processor from 1995-2018 vulnerable
      • Some ARM and IMB PowerPC too
    • AMD thought to be immune, by variant discovered in 2021 that exploits branch predictor