I/O Mechanisms

  • Programmed I/O is a mapping between I/O-related instructions that the processor fetches from memory and commands that the processor issues to I/O modules
    • Instruction forms depend on addressing policies for external devices
      • Devices given a unique address
    • When a processor, main memory and I/O share a bus, two addressing modes are possible
      • Memory-mapped
        • Same addres bus used for both memory and I/O
        • Memory on I/O device mapped into the single address space
        • Simple, and can use general-purpose memory instructions
        • Portions of address space must be reserved
      • Isolated
        • Bus may have input and output command lines, as well as usual read/write
        • Command lines specify if address is a memory location or I/O device
        • Leaves full range of memory address space for processor
        • Requires extra hardware
  • Most I/O devices are much slower than CPU, so need some way to synchronise
  • Busy-wait polling is when CPU constantly polls I/O device for status
    • Can interleave polling with other tasks
    • Polling is simple but wastes CPU time and power
      • When interleaved can lead to delayed response
  • Interrupt-driven I/O is when devices send interrupts to CPU
    • IRQs (interrupt requests) and NMIs (non-maskable interrupts)
    • Interrupt forces CPU to jump to interrupt service routine
    • Fast response, and does not waste CPU time/power
    • Complex, and data transfer still controlled by CPU
  • DMA avoids CPU bottleneck by speeding up transfer of data to memory
    • Used where large amounts of data needed at high speed
    • Control of system busses surrendered to DMA controller
      • DMAC can use cycle stealing or force processor to suspend operation in burst mode
    • DMA can be more than 10x faster than CPU-driven I/O
    • Involves addition of dedicated hardware on the system bus
    • Can have single Bus with a detached DMA, where all modules share the bus
    • Can connect I/O devices directly to DMA, which reduces bus cycles by integrating I/O and DMA functions
    • Can have separate I/O bus, DMA connected to system and I/O bus, devices connected to I/O bus
  • Thunderbolt is a general purpose I/O channel developed by Apple and Intel
    • Combines data, audio, video, power into single high speed connection (up to 10Gbps)
    • Based on thunderbolt controller, high speed crossbar switch]
  • Infiniband is an I/O spec aimed at high-end servers
    • Intended to replace PCI in servers
    • Provides remote storage, networking, connection
    • Scalable and can add nodes as required
  • PCIe is a serial interconnect between two devices
    • Expansion bus standard
    • Based on a number of signal lanes
    • Packet based with a high bandwith


  • RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks
  • As performance increased there was a need for larger and faster secondary storage, and one solution is to use disk arrays
  • Two general ways to utilise a disk array
    • Data striping transparently distributes data over multiple disks to make the appear as a single large disks
      • Improves I/O performance by allowing multiple requests to be serviced in parallel
        • Multiple independent requests can be serviced in parallel by separate disks
        • Single, multi-block requests can be serviced by disks acting in coordination
      • More disks = more performance
    • Redundancy duplicates data accross disks
      • Allows continuous operation without data loss in case of a disk failure in an array
  • RAID 0 - non-redundant striping
    • Lowest cost as there is no redundancy
    • Data is striped accross all disks
    • Best write performance as no need to duplicate data
    • Any 1 disk failure will result in data loss
    • Used where performance is more important than reliability
  • RAID 1 - mirrored
    • 2 copies of all info is kept, on separate disks
    • Uses twice as many disks as a non-redundant array, hence is expensive
    • On read, data can be retrieved from either disk, hence gives good read performance
    • If a disk fails, another copy is used
    • Data can also be striped as well as mirrored, which is RAID 10
  • RAID 2 - redundancy through Hamming codes
    • Very small stripes are used, often single byte or word
    • Employs fewer disks than mirroring by using Hamming codes, error correction codes that can correct single-but errors and detect double-bit errors
    • Number of redundant disks is proportional to the log of the total number of data disks in the system
    • On a single write, all data and parity disks must be accessed
    • Read access not slowed as controller can detect and correct single-bit errors
    • Overkill and not really used, only effective when lots of disk errors
  • RAID 3 - bit-interleaved parity
    • Parallel access, with data in small strips
    • Bit parity is computer for the set of bits in the same position on all data disks
    • If drive fails, parity accessed and data reconstructed from remaining devices
    • Only one redundant disk required
    • Can acheive high data rates
    • Simple to implement, but only one I/O request can be executed at a time
  • RAID 4 - block-interleaved parity
    • Data striping used, with relatively large strips
    • Bit-by-but parity calculated accross corresponding strips on each data disk, parity bits stored in the corresponding strip on parity disk
    • Involves a write penalty for small I/O requests
      • Parity computed by noting differences between old and new data
      • Management software mut read old data and parity, then update new data and parity
    • For large writes that touch all blocks on all disks, parity computed by XORing the data for each new disk
    • Parity disk can become bottleneck
  • RAID 5 - block-interleaved distributed parity
    • Eliminates parity disk bottleneck by distributing parity accross all disks
    • One of the best small read, large read, and large write performances
    • Small read requests are still inefficient compared to mirroring due to need to perform read-modify-write operations to update parity
    • Best parity distribution is left-symmetric
      • When traversing striping units sequentially, you access each disk once before accessing any disk twice, which reduces disk conflicts when servicing a large request
    • Commonly used in file servers, most versatile RAID level
  • RAID 6 - dual redundancy
    • Multiple disk failures require a stronger code than parity
    • When disk fails, requires
    • One scheme, called P + Q redundancy, uses Reed-Soloman codes to protect against up to two disk failures using a bare minimum of two redundant disks
    • Three disks need to fail for data loss
    • Significant write penalty, but good for mission-critical applications
  • SSDs use NAND flash.
    • Becoming more popular as cost drops and performance increases
    • High performance I/O
    • More durable than HDDs
    • Longer lifespan, lower power consumption, quieter, cooler
    • Lower access times and latency
    • Still have some issues
      • Performance tends to slow over the device's lifetime
      • Flash becomes unusable after a certain number of writes
      • Techniques exist for prolonging life, such as front-ending drive with cache and being used in RAID arrays
  • Storage area networks are for sharing copies of data between many users on a network so anyone can access
    • Must protect against:
      • Drive failures - use RAID
      • Power failures - have redundant power supplies (UPS)
      • Storage controller failures - have dual active controllers
      • System unit failures - controllers connect to multiple hosts
      • Interface failures - have redundant links
      • Site failures - keep backups offsite
    • Flash copies produce an instantaneous copy while an application is running, eg for online backups
      • Use a copy-on-write algorithm
    • Remote copies are maintained at secondary sites for disaster recovery
      • Can use synchronous copy, where data is copied before each command executed on host, keeping secondary copy always in sync
      • Asynchronous copy is done after host executes command, which means data lags but is much more scalable and does not impact host performance

Request Level Parallelism

  • Request level parallelism is an emphasis on independence of user requests for computational service
    • Emphasis is on use of commodity hardware to provide parallelism at scale and capacity
  • Applicable when provisioning resources at large scale
    • Internet services
    • Corporate infrastructure
    • The Cloud
  • Exploited in data centres and warehouse-scale computer systems
  • Internet services are sustained by such systems
    • Cloud computing founded on this premise
    • Presents system design challenges
      • Designing for scale and reliability
      • Implementation and operation at scale
      • Cost/performance balance
      • Power consumption
        • Environmental responsibility
    • Common measure of data centre efficiency is power utilisation effectiveness
      • PUE = (total facility power usage) / (IT equipment power usage)
      • Must be at least 1
    • Dependability is key - services typically are designed to run indefinitely
      • Typical to pursue 99.99% uptime, less than 1hour down per year
      • Can be realised through redundancy in temporal and spatial domains
      • Usually achieved through replication of affordable hardware
    • Network I/O is key, servers and warehouse systems must provide consistent network interface
    • Must be able to support interactive and varying/unpredictable work loads
    • Support must be provided for batch processing (likely highly data-parallel)
    • Magnitude of parallelism must be considered to ensure that parallelism provided by hardware is justified
      • Can support both data and request level parallelism
    • Operational cost must be considered
      • High performance servers often designed with best performance in mind
      • Warehouses must be designed with longevity and efficiency in mind
    • Exploiting economies of scale allows cloud providers to provide software and infrastructure as services
  • Infrastructure as a service is the most basic cloud service model
    • Cloud provider rents out machine and other resources
  • Platform as a service makes a computing platform available to users
    • Used by clients whose focus is software
    • Underlying resources adapt to demand
  • Software as a service provides access to application software in the cloud
    • Uses "dumb" clients will all the power in the cloud
    • Load balancing done in software
    • Office 365 is prominent example
  • Network as a service refers to cloud providers allowing infrastructure to be used as a network/transport layer
  • Batch provessing workloads for warehouse-scale systems typically involve things like video transcode or search engine indexing
    • MapReduce is a prominent example of how warehouse systems can necessitate alternative programming models
      • Maps a function over each item of the input
      • Exploits data-level parallelism
      • Then collects outputs (reduces) using another function as an aggregation
      • Generalisation of SIMD followed by a reduction
  • Servers often fitted with local storage, and rely on ethernet-based exchange of data
    • Potential latency penalties when crossing the local rack switch
    • Alternative is network attached storage
      • Can employ high-speed interconnect