
Parallel Organisation

  • Flynn's Taxonomy:
    • SISD
      • Standard uniprocessor stuff
    • SIMD
      • Vector/Array Processors
      • Single machine instruction executes on a number of processing elements in lockstep
    • MISD
      • Not really used
    • MIMD
      • Distributed memory systems (cluster-based)
        • Communicate via message passing, very scalable
      • Shared memory systems
        • Communicate via memory and are easy to program but memory contention can happen
        • Symmetric multiprocessors
        • NUMA
  • Vector computers employ lots of arithmetic pipelines for SIMD processing
    • Instructions operate on vectors of numbers (one or two dimensional)
    • One operation specified for all elements of the vector
    • 2 main types of architecture:
      • memory-to-memory
      • register-to-register (specific vector registers)
    • Chaining often used - chain pipelines together for operations such as FMA
      • Connect inputs/outputs via crossbar switches
    • SIMD array computers had good performance for specific applications, but they're old and no-one makes them anymore
      • Special set of instructions broadcast to processing elements for execution
    • Array computer are dead but MMX, SSE, AVX are big in x86
    • ARM has NEON coprocessor, a 10-stage SIMD pipeline
  • Interconnection structure are important in allowing data or memory to be shared
    • In distributed memory systems, communication is in software via ethernet or infiniband
    • More efficient interconnects are needed to share memory
      • A shared bus allows processor and memory to share a communication network
        • Need to resolve bus contention issues
        • Poor reliability
        • Only good for small systems
      • A cross-bar switch matrix uses a matrix of interconnects
        • Functional units require minimal logic
        • Switch is complex, large and costly
        • Potentially high bandwith, but still struggles with contention
      • Static links between each processor enable dedicated communication
        • More links -> better communication rate
        • Different patterns have different performance properties
        • Chosen architecture of links usually is a tradeoff between cost and performance
          • Hypercube is a good balance
          • Number of connections and links per node are a good indication of cost
          • Maximum inter-node distance is an indicator of worst-case communication delay
        • Can have a dedicated link for each pair but that's expensive and rarely necessary
    • Multistage switching networks can be either cross-bar or cell-based
      • Requirement is to connector each processor to any other processor
        • Known as the full access property
      • Another useful property is that connections are non-blocking
      • CLOS networks (multi-stage cross-bar switches) showed that a network with 3 or more stages can be non-blocking
      • A CLOS network with 2x2 cross-bar elements is known as a Benes Network, classified as cell-based
        • Most cell-based networks are highly blocking but require few switches

Cache Coherence

  • Shared memory MIMD systems are easy to program, and can overcome memory contention via cache
  • Copies of the same data may now be in different places
    • Cache coherence must be maintained
    • A write-through policy is not sufficient as that only updates main memory
    • It is necessary to update other caches too
  • Possible solutions include:
    • Shared caches
      • Poor performance for more than a few processors
    • Non-cacheable items
      • Can only write to main memory, causes problems
    • Broadcast write
      • Every cache write request is broadcast to all other caches
      • Copies either updated or invalidated, preferably the latter as it is faster
      • Increases memory transactions and wastes bus bandwidth
    • Snoop bus
      • Suitable for single-bus architectures
      • Cache write-through is used
      • A bus watcher (cache controller) is used and snoops on the system bus
        • Detects memory write operations, and invalidates local cached copies if main memory updated
    • Directory methods
      • A directory is a list of entries identifying cached copies
        • Used when a processor writes to a cached location to invalidate or update other copies
      • Various methods exist
      • Suitably for shared memory systems with multistage or hierarchical interconnects where broadcast systems are hard to implement
      • Full directory has a directory in main memory
        • A set of pointers per cache and a dirty bit is used with each shared data item
        • Bit set high if cache has a copy
        • Each word/block/line in cache has two state bits:
          • Valid bit, set if cache data is valid
          • Private bit, set if processor is allowed to write to the block
      • Limited directories only stored pointer for the number of caches that have the data
        • Saves memory storing pointers for caches that don't have data
        • Only pointers required, but each pointer must uniquely identify one of the caches
          • pointers required for each pointer instead of 1 bit
        • Requires bits instead of bits
        • Scales much better as entries grow less than linearly
      • Chained directories also attempt to reduce the size of the directory
        • Use a linked list to hold directory items
        • Shared memory directory entry points to one copy in a cache, from there a pointer points to next copy, so on..
        • copies may be maintained
        • Whenever a new copy called for, list broken and pointers altered
  • MESI is the good protocol
    • Snoop bus arrangement used with a write-back policy
    • Two status bits per cache line tag so it can be in one of four states
      • Modified: entry valid, main memory invalid, no copies exist
      • Exclusive: no other cache holds line, memory up to date
      • Shared: multiple caches hold line, memory is up to date
      • Invalid: cache entry is garbage
    • When machine booted, all entries are invalid
    • First time memory is read, block referenced is fetched by CPU 1 and marked exclusive
      • Subsequent reads by same processor use cache
    • CPU 2 fetches same block
      • CPU 1 sees by snooping it is no longer alone and announces it has a copy
      • Both copies marked shared
    • CPU 2 wants to write to the block
      • Puts invalidate signal on bus
      • Cached copy goes into modified state
      • If block was exclusive, no need to signal on bus
    • CPU 3 wants to read block from memory
      • CPU 2 has the modified block, so tells 3 to wait while it writes it back
    • CPU 1 wants to write a word in the block (cache)
      • Assuming fetch on write, block must be read before writing
      • CPU 1 generates a Read With Intend To Modify (RWITM) sequence
        • CPU 2 has a modified copy so interrupts the sequence and write to memory, invaliding it's own copy
        • CPU 1 reads block from memory, updates it and marks it modified
    • All read hits do not alter block state
    • All read misses cause a change to shared state
  • Intel and AMD took different approaches to extending MESI
    • Intel uses MESIF
      • Forward state is a specialised shared state
      • Serving multiple caches in shared state is inefficient, so only the cache with the special forward state responds to requests
        • Allows cache-to-cache speeds
    • AMD uses MOESI
      • Owned state is when a cache has exclusive write rights, but other caches may read from it
        • Changes to line are broadcast to other caches
      • Avoids writing dirty line back to main memory
        • Modified line provided from the owning cache

Data Level Parallelism

  • The utilisation of SIMD depends on applications having a degree of data-level parallelism
    • Matrix oriented computation
    • Image and sound processing
  • Sequential thinking but parallel processing makes it easy to reason about
  • Vector-specific architecures make SIMD easy but practicality is limited
    • Reduced fetch/decode bandwith as fewer instructions
    • Programmers view is:
      • Transfer data elements to register files
        • Essentially compiler-managed buffers for data
        • Fixed length buffer to store a single vector
          • Eg, each register holds 64 words
          • Needs enough ports to service all functional units
          • Ports connect to functional units over crossbar switch
      • Operate on register files
        • Functional units heavily pipleined
        • Integrated control units detect structural or data hazards
        • Also provide scalar units to compute addresses
          • Can be chained with vector units
      • Place results back in memory
    • Loads and stores are pipleined
      • Program pays memory latency cost just once, instead of once per data element
    • Three contributing performance factors are:
      • Length of vector ops
      • Structural hazards
      • Data dependencies
    • Performance can be considered in terms of vector length or initiation rate
    • Modern vector computers employ parallel pipelines known as lanes
      • Superscalar architecture
    • Convoys are sets of vector instructions that can execute together
      • Performance of code sections can be estimated by counting number of convoys
      • Need to ensure no structural hazards exist
      • A chime refers to the unit of time to execute a single convoy
        • A vector sequence of convoys executes in chimes
        • Approximation ignores processor specific overhead and allows to readon about inherent data-level parallelism
    • Chaining can be used to acheive performance, as it allows operations to be initiated as soon as individual elements of the vector source are available
      • Earliest implementations work in a similar way to forwarding in scalar pipelines
      • Flexible chaining allows a vector instruction to chain to almost any other active vector instruction
        • Have to take care not to introduce hazards
        • Supported by modern architectures
    • A number of techniques can be applied to optimise vector architectures
      • Can have multiple lanes, a single vector instruction can be split up to execute accross the lanes
        • Doubling lanes but halving clock rate does not change speed
        • Increases size and energy consumption
      • Vector length registers vary the size of the vector operations
        • Value cannot be greater than the max vector length, the physical register size
        • Strip mining is a technique that generates code such that each vector operation is done for a size less than or equal to the max vector length
      • Vector mask registers allow for conditional execution of each element operation, when usually conditionals would be needed that hinder performance
      • Memory banking spreads memory accesses across multiple memory banks to improve the start up time for a vector load
  • MMX/SSE/AVX provide SIMD in x86
    • Many media applications operate on a narrower range of data types than 32-bit processors are designed for
      • 8-bit colour components
      • 16-bit audio samples
    • A 256-bit adder can operate on 32 8-bit values at once
    • MMX was introduced by intel in 1996
      • Used 64-bit FP registers to provide 8 and 16-bit operations
    • SSE was introduced as the successor, adding 128-but wide registers
    • AVX introduced in 2010 adds 256 bit registers with a focus on double precision FP
      • AVX-512 introduced doubles register size again
    • Focus of SIMD extensions is to accelerate carefully implemented code
      • Low cost to use
      • Require little extra state compared to vector architectures
      • No virtual memory problems
  • GPUs are powerful vector units that are similar to vector architectures
    • Hardware designed for graphics but usually supplemented to improve the performance of a wider range of applications
    • Heterogeneous execution model
      • CPU is host, GPU is device
    • NVIDIA have CUDA for programming, OpenCL is vendor-independent
    • GPUs provide high levels of every form of parallelism, but it is hard to achieve performance as must also manage
      • Scheduling of computation
      • Transfer of data to GPU memory
    • CUDA threads are the lowest form of parallelism, one associated with each data element
      • Can group thousands of threads to yield other forms of parallelism
      • Threads organised into blocks, multithreaded SIMD processor executed a whole thread block
      • Blocks organised into grids, executed independently and in any order
      • GPU hardware handles thread management

Multicore Systems

  • Can consider the performance of a processor in terms of the rate at which it executes instructions
    • MIPS = freq * IPC
    • Leads to an focus on increasing clock frequency and processor efficiency
      • We've kinda hit a ceiling with this
  • Alternative approach is multithreading
    • Divide instruction stream into smaller streams to execute threads in parallel
    • Various designs and implementations
      • Threads may or may not be the same as software threads in multiprogrammed OS
  • A process is an instance of a running program
    • Processes own resources in their virtual address space
    • Processes are scheduled by the OS
    • Process switch is an operation that switches the processor form one process to another
  • A thread is a unit of work within a process
    • Thread switch switches processor control from one to another within the same process
    • Far less costly than processes & process switches
  • Implicit multithreading is the concurrent execution of multiple threads from a single sequential program
    • Statically defined by compiler or dynamically in hardware
    • Rarely done as it hard
  • Most processors have adopted explicit multithreading, which concurrently execute instructions form different threads by either:
    • Uses separate program counter for each thread
    • Instruction fetching happens per thread
    • Each thread treated and optimised separately
    • Multiple approaches:
      • Interleaved, where processor deals with more than one at a time, switching at each clock cycle
        • Thread skipped when blocking
      • Blocking or coarse grained, where threads execute successively until an event occurs that may cause a delay
        • Delay prompts a switch to another thread
      • SMT, where instructions are issues from multiple threads to the execution units of a superscalar processor
        • Performance comes from superscalar capability combined with multiple thread contexts
      • Chip multiprocessing replicates entire processor on same chip
        • Multicore
    • Interleaved and blocked do not provied true concurrency, whereas SMT and multicore are actual simultaneous execution
    • Multicore systems combine multiple cores on a single die
      • Each core has its own components (ALU, registers, PC) and caches
      • Pollack's rule: performance increase is roughly proportional to square root of increase in complexity
        • If we double the logic, will deliver 40% perf boost
        • Multicore has potential for near-linear improvement but is hard to acheive
      • Main variables are number of cores, and levels and amount of shared cache
        • Can have dedicated L1/L2
        • Can share L2 or have dedicated L2 and share L3
        • Shared L2 cache has advantages over reliance on dedicated cache
          • Constructive interference can reduce miss rates
          • Data shared is not replicated in shared cache
          • Amount of shared cache for each core is dynamic
          • Interprocessor communication can happen through cache
          • Confines cache coherence problem to L1 cache
  • Clusters
    • A group of interconnected whole computers working together as a unified computing resource, that creates the illusion of a single machine
    • Alternative to multiprocessing for high performance and availability
    • Attractive for servers
    • Absolute and incremental scalability, high reliability, superior price/performance ratio
    • High-speed interconnects needed
  • With uniform memory access, all processors have access to all the memory in uniform time
    • NUMA, Non Uniform Memory Access, gives different access times to different processors for different regions of memory
      • All processors can still access all memory, just slower
      • Cache Coherent NUMA (CC-NUMA) extends NUMA with cache coherence between the processors
    • Used because SMP approaches don't scale, and allows for transparent-system wide memory
    • Could motivate clusters, but clusters are hard to program effectively

Thread Level Parallelism

  • Synchronisation primitives exist in hardware that allow high-level synchronisation constructs to be built
    • Establish building blocks to build actual constructs used by programmers
  • Most important hardware provision is the atomic instruction
    • Uninterruptible and capable of incurring value change
    • May actually be an atomic instruction sequence
  • In high-contention sequence, synchronisation can become a performance bottleneck
  • Atomic exchange is a primitive that swaps a value in a register for a value in memory
    • Can be used to build locks for synchronisation
      • Assume a value of 0 indicates the lock is free, 1 indicates it is unavailable
    • Simplest possible situation where two processors both wish to perform an atomic exchange
      • One processor will enter the exchange first
      • This processor will ensure that a value of 1 is returned to any other processor that next attempts an exchange
      • The two simultaneous exchange operations will be ordered by write serialisation mechanisms
  • Older microprocessors feature a test-and-set atomic instruction in hardware
    • Allowed to define a test against which a value can be tested
    • Value modified if defined test succeeded
  • Some current gen microprocessors have fetch-and-increment atomic
    • Return the value at a pointer and increment it
  • Atomic instructions usually consist of some read and write
  • Requiring an uninterruptible read-write fucks with a good number of things
    • Cache coherence
    • Instruction pipelining
    • Cache performance
  • Possible to have a pair of atomic instructions where the second instruction returns a value that indicates if the pair executed atomically
    • Pair includes a special load known as load linked, followed by a special write, store conditional
      • If they memory location specified by load linked is accessed prior to the store conditional then the store fails
      • Also fails if there is a context switch
    • Can implement atomic exchange using this
      • If the store conditional returns a value indicating failure, then a branch jumps back and retries
    • Can also implement fetch-and-increment
      • Maintain a record of the address specified by linked load in a link register
      • If an interrupt occurs or cache block containing address is invalidated, register is cleared
      • Conditional store checks register for address matching to determine success
      • To avoid deadlock, only register to register operations are permitted between linked-store instructions
  • Spin locks are locks that processors repeatedly attempt to required
    • Effective when low latency required and lock held for short periods
    • Processors with cache coherence provide a convenient mechanism for spin locks
      • Testing the status of a lock requires local cache access rather than main memory access
      • Temporal locality decreases lock acquisition times
    • Linked-store can avoid needless bus access when multiple processors attempt to acquire a lock
  • Cache coherence ensures multiple processors have a consistent view of memory, so allows communication through shared memory
    • Shared memory communications means we only need consider the rules enforced on reads and writes of different processors
      • Don't need to sync everything
  • Different models of memory consistency exist
    • Simplest is sequential consistency
      • Requires the results of execution be the same if memory accesses of processors were kept in order and interleaved
      • Ensured all processors delay memory accesses until all cache invalidations are complete
      • Simple but slow
    • Synchronised consistency orders all accesses to shared data using synchronisation operations
      • A data reference is ordered by a synchronisation operation if, in every possible execution, a write by one processor and an access by another are separated by a pair of synchronisation operations
      • Whenever a variable might be updated without ordering by synchronisation is a data rate
    • There are relaxed consistency models that allow reads and writes to complete out-of-order but use synchronisation to enforce ordering
      • Three general models
      • A -> B denotes that A must complete before B
      • Total store ordering relaxes W -> R
        • Retrains ordering among writes
      • Partial order store model relaxes W -> W
        • Impractical for most programs
      • Relaxing R -> R and R -> W happens in a variety of models, including weak ordering and release consistency

High Performance Systems

  • Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMP) is an organisation of two or more processors sharing memory
    • Processors connected by bus
    • Uniform memory access
    • All processors are the same and share I/O
    • System controlled by integrated OS
    • Performant for parallel problems
    • All processors are the same so if one processor goes down another is still available
    • Can scale incrementally
    • Most PCs use a time-shared bus but can also use multi-port memory in more complex organisations
  • Clusters are an alternative to SMP
    • A cluster computer is defined as a group of interconnected computers (nodes) working together as a unified resources
    • High performance and availability
    • Attractive for server applications
    • Absolute and incremental scalability
    • Superior price/performance
    • High speed message links required to coordinate activity
    • Machines in a cluster may or may not share disks
    • Cluster middleware provides a unified system image to the user
      • Responsible for load balancing, fault tolerance, etc
      • Desireable to have:
      • A single entry and control point/workstation
      • Single file hierarchy
      • Single virtual networking
      • Single memory space
      • Single job-management system
      • Single UI
      • Single I/O space
      • Single Process space
      • Check pointing, to save the process state and intermediate results
      • Process migration, to enable load balancing
  • Both clusters and SMP provide multiple processors for high-demand applications
    • SMP easier to manage and configure, take up less space and power
      • Bus architecture limits processors to around 16~64
    • Clusters dominate high-performance server market
      • Scalable to 1000s of nodes
  • Uniform memory access used in SMP organisations
  • Memory access time varies in NUMA systems
    • NUMA with no cache coherence is more or less a cluster system
  • CC-NUMA is NUMA with cache coherence
    • Objective is to maintain a transparent system memory while permitting multiple nodes
    • Nodes each have own SMP organisations and internal busses/interconnects
    • Each processor sees a single addressable memory
    • Cache coherence usually done via a directory method
    • Can deliver effective performance at higher levels of parallelism than SMP
    • Bus traffic on any individual node is limited by bus capacity
    • If many memory accesses are to remote performance degrades
    • Software changes required to go form SMP to CC-NUMA systems