
Want to take IR and output assembly that is semantically equivalent.

  • The main tasks involved are:
    • Instruction selection
    • Register allocation
    • Instruction ordering/scheduling

It is undecidable what the optimal program for any given IR is - we use heuristics.

Instruction selection

  • Just translate each IR instruction to one or more machine code instructions
    • Not very efficient
    • Simple to implement but results in repeated loads/stores
  • Keep track of values in registers to avoid unnecessary loads/stores
  • Consider each instruction in turn
    • Work out what loads are needed
    • Generate code for loads
    • Generate code for operation
    • Generate code for stores
  • Need to keep track of registers and memory locations for variables
    • Register descriptor - (register, variable name) pairs
    • Address descriptor - (variable name, location) pairs
      • Location can be a register, memory address, stack location, etc
  • Need some criteria for selecting registers
    • If var currently in a register then no load needed
    • If var not in a register then pick an empty one
    • If y not in register and no empty ones then need to pick one to reuse
      • Make sure that the value we reuse is either not needed or stored elsewhere
  • Statement-by-statement codegen can be optimised with peephole optimisations
    • Load/store pairs of the same instruction can be eliminated
      • Only works if instructions are in same basic block
    • Remove jumps over jumps
      • useful in combination with constant propagation
      • eg, removing debug info
    • Flow control optimisations
      • jumps-to-jumps can be eliminated
    • Algebraic optimisations
      • Eliminate instructions like x = x + 0
    • Use of machine idioms
      • target machine may have auto-increment addressing mode
      • May have instructions that implement complex operations

Optimal codegen from ASTs

  • Can use the AST of an expression to generate an optimal code sequence
  • Proven to generate shortest sequence of instructions
  • Uses Ershov numbers
    • Label any leaf 1
    • Label of interior node with one child is the label of it’s child
    • Label of an interior node with two children is
      • Larger of the labels of it’s children if labels differ
      • One plus the label of its children if labels same
    • Label of node is the least number of registers in which expression can be evaluated using no stores of temporary results
  • Can generate code from labelled expression tree
    • Start at root of tree
    • Registers used are
    • For a node with label and two children with equal labels
      • gencode(right child) using base register
        • Result appears in
      • gencode(left child) using base register
        • Result appears in
      • Generate instruction OP
    • To generate code for interior node with unequal labels
      • gencode(big child) using base register
        • result appears in
      • gencode(small child) using base register b
        • result appears in
    • Evaluating expressions with insufficient register supply means you need extra memory
      • Spill from registers into memory
      • For interior node with label number of registers, work on each side of tree separately and store result in larger subtree
      • Generate stores after code to eval registers for big child

Tree Rewriting

  • Above algorithm works with RISC instruction sets but CISC instruction sets allow steps to be condensed into one instruction
  • Treat instruction selection as a tree rewriting problem
  • Machine instructions implement fragments of IR trees
    • Match tree patterns with instructions
    • ind operator is dereferencing, is offset
    • Attempt to tile the subtree
      • Tiles are set of tree patterns that correspond to legal machine instructions
      • Cover the tree with non-overlapping tiles
      • If template matches, matching subtree is replaced with replacement node of rule and machine instruction emitted
    • Has it's issues
      • Often multiple possibilities
        • Best tiling corresponds to shortest sequence of instructions
      • If none matches then process blocks
      • Need to guard against possibility of single node being rewritten indefinitely
    • Optimal tiling - maximal munch
      • Start at root
      • Find largest tile that covers root node
      • Generate that instruction
      • Goto step 1
      • Generates instructions in reverse order
    • Optimum tiling - dynamic programming
      • Bottom up rewrite system
      • Omitted for sanity

Register allocation

Decide what to keep in registers and what in memory

  • Efficient register use is important
  • When code has more live values than registers, spill to memory
    • this is costly
  • Register allocation is NP complete
  • Register assignment can be solved in polynomial time
  • Can re-order instructions based on dataflow to optimise register assignment and reduce spill

Graph colouring

  • Allocate based on liveness
  • Works accross basic blocks
  • Steps:
    • Compute live variables for each point in program
    • Generate an interference graph
      • Each variable becomes a node
      • If variables are live at the same time then make an edge connecting them
        • They cannot be in the same register
    • Colour the graph
      • Nodes connected by edge cannot be the same colour
      • A k-colourable graph uses no more than k registers
      • NP hard too, use heuristics
      • Algorithm to colour graph with colours - Chaitin’s algorithm
      • Step 1:
        • While has some node with neighbours less then
        • Pick a node with less than neighbours
        • Put on stack and remove from
        • Repeat until is empty
        • If all nodes removed then graph k-colourable, else no
        • Step 2 - assign colours to nodes
          • Start at top of stack
          • Add node on stack top to graph including edges
          • Pick a new colour
          • Repeat until stack empty
  • If colouring not found then have to spill to memory
    • Will occur when each node has or more neighbours
    • Pick candidate node for spilling and remove from graph, continue as before
      • Have to insert loads/stores for spilled node
      • Which one to spill? Any is fine but affects performance
        • Spill those with most conflicts
        • Spill those with few uses
        • Avoid spilling in loops