
Ideally compilers improve our code for us so it runs faster and uses less memory. Optimisations must preserve meaning however, so this is hard.

Basic Blocks

Basic blocks partition IR program into maximal sequences

  • Flow of control enters only through first/last instructions in block
    • No jumps in middle
    • Flow of control leaves block at end
    • Last instruction may branch
  • Find branch instructions, identify targets, get basic blocks
  • Blocks become nodes of control flow graph
  • Compilers apply optimisations either locally, globally (entire function), or interprocedurally
    • 1, 2 are common, 3 rare and has lower payoff

Local Optimisations

  • Algebraic simplification - reduction in strength
    • Replace complex ops with simple ones
    • Replace muls with shifts
    • Replace exponents with muls
  • Constant folding
    • Do operations at compile time
    • Have to be careful when doing cross compilation due to different mathematical semantics on different architectures
  • Eliminate unreachable basic blocks
    • Makes code smaller and faster
  • Commmon subexpression elimination
    • Using SSA, two assignments with the same RHS compute the same value
  • Copy propagation
    • Using SSA, copies u = v can be changed for just substituting u for v
    • No huge performance effect but facilitates constant folding and dead code elimination
  • Dead code elimintation gets rid of code that does not contribute to a program’s result

Local optimisations do very little on their own but they typically interact. Compilers usually just do them until stuff stops happening.

Aliasing causes problems with optimisations - regions of memory that overlap

  • Ones here assume no aliasing
  • C allows to declare memory does not overlap with restrict keyword
    • Compiler does not check this

Global Optimisations

  • Global common subexpression elimination - can be done accross blocks
  • Knowing when values will be used next is useful for optimising
    • Variables are live at a particular point in a program if it’s value is used in future
      • To compute, look into future and work backwards
    • Algorithm to compute live vars:
      • For each statement i: x = y op z do:
        • Attach to i the current information in the symbol table regarding next use and liveness of x, y, z
        • In symbol table, set x to not live and no next use (x is assigned new value)
        • In symbol table, set y and z to live and next uses of y and z to i
    • Liveness propagated backwards, against flow of control
  • Data flow anlysis
    • Derive info about flow of data along execution paths
    • Dataflow values before and after statement are constrained by the semantics of that statement
      • Relationship between before-after values is the transfer function
      • Transfer function may describe dataflow in either direction
        • - forward along execution path
        • - backwards
    • Easy for basic blocks - control flow value into a statement is the same as control flow value out of previous statement
      • CFG edges create more complex constraints
      • Transfer function of basic block is the composition of transfer functions of statements in block
    • Constraints due to control flow between blocks can be rewritten substituting and for and

Reaching Definitions

  • A definition of a variable is a statement that assigns to it
  • The definition reaches a point if there is a point immediately following to such that is not killed along the path
  • Statements may generate and kill definitions
    • Transfer function of a definition can be expressed
      • is set of definitions generate by statement
      • is other definitions that kill
      • is set of all definitions reaching , ie
  • Composition of transfer functions like this is gen-kill form
    • Extends to basic blocks with any number of statements
  • Basic blocks also generate and kill sets of definitions
    • Gen set is definitions that are downward exposed
    • Kill set is union of all definitions killed by individual statements
    • A definition may appear in both, gen takes precedence
  • Iterative algorithm for computing reaching definitions
    • is init to
    • For each basic block other than entry
      • Init to
      • while there are any changes to - repeat until convergence
        • = union of of predecessor blocks
  • Used for optimisations - check if a definition if constant

Live Variable Analysis

We wish to know for variable and point if the value of at could be used along some path in the control flow graph starting at

  • A variable is live if
    • is used along some path starting at and there is no definition of along the path before the use
  • A variable is dead if
    • There is no use of on any path from to exit node or all paths from redefine before using it
  • Need to look at future use of vars and work backwards
  • Used for register alocation and dead code elimination
  • Given the and set for a block, can relate live vars at beginning to live vars at end by
  • Variable is live coming into a block if either:
    • Used before redefinition in the block
    • Is live coming out of the block and not redefined in the block
  • Variable is live coming out of a block iff it is live coming into one of it’s successors
  • Liveness is calculated backward starting from exit node
  • Algorithm
    • Assume all vars are dead at entry to a block
    • Iterate starting from final node
      • = union of all successor blocks in sets
    • Repeat until convergence

Available Expressions

  • An expression is available at a point if:
    • Every path from entry node to evaluates before reaching
    • There are no assignments to or after the evaluation but before
  • Block kills expression if it assignns to or and does not recompute them
  • Block generates expression if it evaluates them and then does not subsequently define them
  • If an expression is available at use then there is no need to re-evaluate it - global common subexpression initialisation
  • Expression is available at beginning of block iff available at the end of all predecessors
    • Intersection is meet operator

Summary of dataflow analysis algorithms:

Reaching DefinitionsLive VariablesAvailable Expressions
Domainsets of definitionssets of variablessets of expressions
Transfer funckill)

Loop Optimisation

Loop optimisation is important to decrease overhead, exploit locality, increase parallelism, etc.

  • In a loop a variable whose value is derived from number of iterations is called an induction variable
    • Can be optimised by computing it with a single increment per loop iteration
    • Where there are two or more induction vars may be possible to reduce to a single one
    • Involves strength reduction
  • When optimising loops, work inside-out
    • Start with inner loops and then move to outer loops
  • Loops are key, esp inner loops where lots of computation is done
    • Can optimise loop by decreasing number of instructions in an inner loop
    • Code motion - take an expression that yields same result independent of loop iteration and move it outside the loop
  • Dependence is a relationship between two computations that constrains their execution order
    • Control - determines control flow
    • Data dependence - one computes something the other needs
      • Flow dependence - one statement must be executed before another
      • Antidependence - statement 1 reads a variable that is read by statement 2
        • Has consequences for parallelisation
      • Output dependence - two statements write to the same variable
    • Have to describe dependence between iterations - loop carried dependencies
      • Dependencies between two successive iterations
  • Different classes of loop optimisations
    • Loop restructuring
      • Unrolling, coalescing, collapsing, peeling
    • Dataflow-based loop transformations
      • Loop-based strength reduction, induction variable elimination, invariant code motion
    • Loop re-ordering
      • Change the relative order of execution of iterations of a loop nest
        • Expose parallelism and improve locality
      • Loop interchange, strip mining, loop tiling, loop fusion
  • Unrolling
    • Replicate the loop body by an unrolling factor u
    • Iterate by u steps instead of 1
    • Less overhead in loop conditions, longer basic blocks for better optimisations
  • Coalescing
    • Combine loop nest into a single loop
    • Compute indices from resulting single induction var
    • Improves scheduling on parallel machine
    • Reduces overhead of loop nest
  • Collapsing
    • Less general version of coalescing in which dimensions of array is reduced
    • Elimintates nested loops and multidimensional array indexing
    • Best suited for loops that iterate over contiguous memory
  • Peeling
    • Small number of iterations removed from beginning/end and executed separately
    • Removes dependence created by first or last few iterations
  • Normalisation
    • Converts all loops so that induction variable is initially 0 and always incremented by 1
    • Exposes opportunities for fusion and simplifies analysis
  • Invariant code motion
    • Move computations outside loop where they do not change between iterations
    • Reduce register pressure or avoid alu latency
  • Unswitching
    • Instead of having a conditional within a loop, have a loop within each branch
    • Saves the repeated branching overhead
  • Interchange
    • Exchanges position of two loops in a perfect nest
      • Perfect nest means the body over every loop contains only a loop
    • Enables vectorisation, reduces stride, improves parallel performance
    • Increase number of loop-invariant expressions in inner loop
  • Strip mining
    • Adjust granularity of operation
    • Similar to unrolling
    • Choose number of independent computations in innermost loop of a nest
    • Involves cleanup code in case number of iterations is not perfect multiple of strip
  • Loop tiling
    • Generalisation of strip mining in multiple dimensions
    • Improve cache reuse by diving iteration space into tiles
    • Critical for high performance in dense matrix multiplication
  • Loop distribution
    • Break a loop into many with same iteration space but subsets of statements of original loop
    • Creates perfect loop nests
    • Creates subloops with fewer dependencies
    • Improves cache usage
    • Reduce memory requirements
    • Increase register reuse
  • Loop fusion
    • Opposite of the above
    • Reduces loop overhead
    • Increase instruction parallelism