
We want to transform a stream of characters into a stream of tokens (token name, attribute value)

  • A lexeme is the sequence of chars from source code
  • A Regex is formal notation for a recogniser
  • Recognisers are represented as finite automata
    • - finite set of states in the recogniser along with error state
    • is finite alphabet used by recogniser
    • is transition function
      • Maps states and characters to next state
    • is the start state
    • Set are accepting states
  • An alphabet is a finite set of symbols
    • String is sequence of symbols from alphabet
    • Language is set of strings over the alphabet
      • Defined using grammars
    • We want to check if string on alphabet is a member of language
      • Use a recognising automaton
        • Diagrams are large, use regex to express
    • A language defined by a regex is the set of all strings that can be described by that regex


  • Construct a regex matching all lexemes for all tokens
    • Union of regexes for the token classes gives a regex that defines a language
  • Given an input sequence of characters, want to check if some number of characters belong to the language
    • Gor check if is in
    • If true then we remove that string as a token and continue
    • Always select the longer sequence - maximal munch
    • If more than one token matches use the token class specified first
    • If no match then error
  • Can build a scanner from regex
    • Require simulation of a DFA
    • Thompson’s construction goes from NFA -> RE
    • Subset construction builds a DFA that simulates an NFA
    • Hopcroft’s algorithm minimises a DFA
    • Kleene’s contruction dervices an RE from a DFA
  • NFAs allow transitions on the empty string
    • States may have multiple transitions on the same character.
    • Can combine multiple FAs by just joining them with epsilon transisions
  • DFAs only have a single transition on the each character from each state
    • No epsilon transitions
    • Can simulate any NFA

Thompson's Construction - RE to NFA

  • Use a template for building an NFA that corresponds to
    • A single letter regex
    • Transformation on NFAs that models the effect of regex operators
    • Combine fragments using epsilon transitions
    • Take into account precedence

Subset Construction - NFA to DFA

Convert NFA to DFA to make it easier to simulate.

  • Combine states based on epsilon transitions to eliminate them
  • Create subset of states, then only consider transitions between subsets
  • Set of states that can be reached from some state along only epsilon transitions is the epsilon closure of

Where there are several possible choices of next state, take all choices simultaneously and form a set of the possible next states. This set of NFA states becomes a single DFA state.

Hopcroft's algorithm - Minimising a DFA

Some states can be merged - partition states into groups of states that produce the same behaviour on any input string.

  • Start by partitioning into accepting and non-accepting states
  • Consider each subgroup
    • Partition into new subgroups such that two states and are in the same subgroup iff for all input symbols , and have transitons on into the same group
    • Replace group with new partitioning
  • Keep going until convergence