
The notes here are very brief. Most notably they don't contain a lof of the detail of the methods/algorithms (below) needed for the exam.

Algorithms you need to know how to do on paper, by hand, in an exam

Because we just invented computers for fun, apparently.

  • Lexing
    • NFA/DFA stuff
  • Parsing
    • Grammar transformations
      • Eliminating epsilon productions
      • Eliminating left recursion
      • Adding precedence
      • Left factoring
      • Removing ambiguity
    • Computing First and Follow sets
    • LL(1) parsing
      • Constructing LL(1) parse table
    • LR(k) parsing
      • Shift-reduce
      • Constructing set of LR(0) items
      • Constructing LR(0) automaton
      • Constructing LR(0) parse table
    • Constructing SLR(1) parse table
  • Semantic analysis
    • Annotating parse trees
    • Constructing attribute grammars
    • Constructing SDDs
    • Constructing SDTs
  • IRs
    • Generating 3-address code for codegen stuff like addressing array elements and control flow
  • Runtime Environments
    • Working out access links/activation records and displays under different calling mechanisms
      • Call-by-value
      • Call-by-reference
      • Call-by-name
      • Copy-restore
    • Garbage collection (less sure about this)
      • Mark and sweep
      • Pointer reversal
  • Optimisation
    • Computing basic blocks of a program
    • Dataflow analysis algorithms
      • Reaching definitions
      • Live variable analysis
      • Available expressions
    • Applying various optimisations to code
      • Algebraic simplification
      • Constant folding
      • Unreachable block elimination
      • Common subexpression elimination
      • Copy/constant propagation
      • Dead code elimination
      • Reduction strength in induction variables
      • Induction variable elimination
    • Applying various transformations to loops
      • Loop unrolling
      • Loop coalescing
      • Loop collapsing
      • Loop peeling
      • Loop normalisation
      • Loop invariant code motion
      • Loop unswitching
      • Loop interchange
      • Strip mining
      • Loop tiling
      • Loop distribution
      • Loop fusion
  • Codegen
    • Instruction selection by replacing operations with sequences of assembly
      • Using register and address descriptors
    • Peephole optimisation
      • Removing redundant loads/stores
      • Removing jumps over jumps
      • Algebraic optimisations
      • Machine idioms
    • Optimal codegen for expressions using Ershov numbers
      • Including spilling to memory
    • Instruction selection by tree rewriting
      • Optimal tiling
    • Graph colouring for register allocation
      • Chaitin's algorithm - graph colouring heuristic
      • Including spilling to memory